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Hello fellow bookworms, i am currently writing reviews about my books in my blog, please give me an opinion: https://ebookstoreal.blogspot.com/
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I can't even turn to the next page so I have no idea how good the story is.
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I love the story about Gypsy! My family has a Rhodesian Ridgeback, Rio, who does a lot of the same little cute tricks...some that we taught him and some he made up on his own that sure make us laugh! Thanks for posting it!
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I should do that. My animals now are all rescued. I have a new one Gurlee who has taken the job of guarding our back yard.
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This one needs to be sent to the Humane Society. They could use your stories to promote pet adoption./just a thought./joeparente Good Stories!
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this is a pretty funny book!
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...put a dog on the cover...:)
Very cute stories about a few of your sweet creatures Judy. I loved the Pepsi and beer-drinking horse, and of course...Ringo!
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I loved all of my animals. Trigger was a trip my mother would have probably have hit my brother if she knew about the beer hehe.
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