Waiting For My Hair To Finish Turning Gray

Waiting For My Hair To Finish Turning Gray

As we age, we forget things. We have a little less patience, a little less time...but maybe a little more understanding. So what to do when "Stuff Happens" proves itself incapable of taking a holiday?

Flash Fiction Contest Entry
1,000 Word Count

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

...You didn't mention annoying little writers like me, begging you to edit their entire novels.

A lovely little bit of flash. I felt your anger and your frustration and chuckled aloud a few times; the image of the jam buttie in the dog bowl was one.

You're a funny little lady and a great writer.

Well done

Wichtiger Beitrag

Ha ha ha!! So adorable, so funny and so true. This is your life - as well as the life of your peers ... But you make it all sound hilarious in your inimitable way! Great stuff in 1000 words - a record of brevity for Judy.

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