

"Vindicta" - The Latin word for "revenge," this was the very thing Brother Bayard needed to soothe his fury over an act of violence perpetrated on a member of his family. His "spiritual" brothers, he knew, would never understand nor condone what he was planning, which made it necessary for him to act in secret - until something unexpected made him take another look. After all, "vindicta" also means "vindication." But whether or not he ultimately changed his plans can only be discovered upon reading the story of this monk's journey into darkness.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you! Thank you for your encouraging comment and for saving this. I've actually written quite a bit more, but haven't been able to post it. My mom passed away a couple of weeks ago and I've been somewhat overwhelmed with everything - she was 90, and was suffering from kidney failure, so it wasn't a surprise, but heck, despite having had mom around longer than many, I still miss her an awful lot. Anyway, I'm starting to... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

I felt the need to continue, and got tangled up in Bayard's struggle, along with his need for revenge. I will be coming back to finish...

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you both. Your encouragement is gratefully accepted and taken to heart. I shall, indeed, keep writing in this vein and complete "Vindicta" soon. I'll let you know when new chapters are up, too.

Thank so very, very much! :D

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Why do you doubt yourself? This jump outside your comfort zone was a real "splash!"

Keep at it, and the more you do it, the better the 'new skin will fit." We are always nervous when starting something new...but put your worries aside. You are a true words-smith!

Wichtiger Beitrag

No need to worry about your writing I am a fan I'm hooked and ready to read on, I only stopped long enough to fix dinner. Be sure and let me know when there is more.

Wichtiger Beitrag

As always, you're both honest and helpful, and I appreciate your feedback big-time. You're right about the confidence thing. I wrote for years and never showed any of it to a soul, and then one day I decided to see if I could try and publish something. Well, I did, but that was almost four years ago, and because I haven't the first clue about marketing a book, it hasn't gotten very far. That might be why I've been less than... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

{at least in today's reading market} is in the midst of the action.

Not to give away the plot -

Only a person who has experienced the acts that you describe in the opening chapter can truly appreciate the horror involved.

In today's jaded and jaundiced society and the visuals one sees on the television daily, the unspeakable acts that you opened your book with can {hear me out entirely} be overlooked as mundane until the plot... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Without all the help, the quality observations and suggestions, the encouragement and the honesty with which I've been blessed on this site, I don't know that I could write very well at all. I feel I'm learning from some of the best (you, Wendy, Leslie, Marc, Robyn, Pat, Laz...the list goes on) and while I know I have a way to go, I'm beginning to believe that this is genuinely something I can do well.

And if you don't emerge... mehr anzeigen

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