The View From Different Windows

A Small Book of Poems Von:
The View From Different Windows

Various moments in life give us a variety of perspectives. Here are some that have come and gone, and may well have meant more then than now.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Chung Lee June

How many German books have you written?

4 Kommentare

None. I don't speak German.

Chung Lee June

Well, that's interesting because I saw that your book had both an English version and a German version. I'm Chung Li, how are you? Are you a big fan of biographies or memoirs?
Check out some of the books on my page and leave a comment some time.


Where did you see that? Maybe this or another site translated it, but I don't know anything about that. Like I said, I don't speak German. I also don't read or write in it obviously.

I'm not really a fan of biographies, except an occasional one about an historical figure. I'll... mehr anzeigen

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Wichtiger Beitrag

Beautiful, touching, thought provoking, soulful, and inspirational poetry! Exceptional!!!

1 Kommentar

Wow, Tonya, thank you! I never thought of myself as much of a poet, so your words have given me some much-needed encouragement. And being such a talented writer yourself, your feedback has great, positive impact. Thank you so very much!

Wichtiger Beitrag
Angel Dee

This is too good for a collection published 2012. The lines are charming and engaging... Your use of repetitive devices is breathtaking... "Find Me" particularly stands out for me. Please, work on another collection... Can't wait... Can't wait!!!

2 Kommentare

Oh, my! How kind you are! I never considered myself to be any good at poetry, but your words have encouraged me to keep trying. Thank you!

Angel Dee

Humility is a virtue. I meant every word. Please give poetry another shot. Hearty Cheers in anticipation!

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Gelöschter User

Judy this book is amazing wish i could write like that maybe after i've had sometime and experience in life.....My favorites were A Little Sanity Reality and my most fav was Find me it just made so much sense and i just fell in love with it it's Beautiful im so glad u wanted me to read it this was the perfect way to spend my saturday reading a magnificent book

2 Kommentare

Wow! Thank you sooo much! That encourages me to maybe writing some more. ')

Gelöschter User

well you should it was amazing it has so much detail and truth bewteen the lines i could read right through them the best part of all is i kept wanting to re-read them over and over again!!!!

Wichtiger Beitrag

I have to stop right here for just a minute...I've opened the book and read the first three poems. Ohmagosh, Judy, seriously, these are master works. The imagery and choice of words; they are phenomenal!

I'll be back when I finish!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Never put yourself down, or think you are not as creative as others. This collection of poems cover such heartfelt range of instances, moments and common threads we can all relate to. I found myself connecting to "Find Me" since we all feel invisible at some time in our lives. Especially touched by the simplicity of "Gone To War." Every writer has an ocean of feelings, quick thoughts and empathy. That is how we create... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

Thanks, Robynn. My uncertainty stems from not having written a great deal of poetry in my life, and like with anything new and experimental, there will be a degree of hesitancy, lol. But you're right, of course. I should simply keep working at it, knowing I'm doing my best.

Thank... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I felt every single word of every single one of your poems. Some had me in tears, especially the prodigal father. Wishing that my sons' father would say those words to them. I believe it would've helped. Who knows maybe he will have an epiphany and surprise us all. Like myself, I reminded my sons that they do have a Father that will supply all their needs and always be there for them, their Heavenly Father!
Keep writing... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

If you were here or I were there, I'd give you a big, warm hug. Thank you!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Great poems...and so diverse.
The first one confused me...maybe because I read it in the wee hours.
The second, I totally got....probably for the same reason.

1 Kommentar

Lol, thanks, Laz. "D

Wichtiger Beitrag

Your poems touched the in-depth emotional feelings of a human heart.

1 Kommentar

Wow! Thank you! That's so encouraging! ')

Wichtiger Beitrag

I really enjoyed reading your poetry. I think you should work on more when the chance presents itself. Feel free to read some of my poetry. Take care, Danny.

1 Kommentar

Thank you so much! I'll be sure to check yours out, too!

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