The Perfect Criminal

The Perfect Criminal

Michael Vincent was a reporter in search of a story that would "make" his career. What he got, and what he never expected, was a story that nearly destroyed his life.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I had to come back and keep reading :) Once again, please consider publishing this or entering it into a contest.

2 Kommentare

Whoa! Really? Wow! How kind of you to say that! It isn't finished - I have to do a couple more chapters to conclude it, and honestly, I hadn't really thought about that story for a while - didn't think anyone was interested enough. But now, huh. Guess I will. You're awesome - thank you!


Please do continue :) maybe once it's mentioned in a contest or something more readers will take notice. And you're welcome :D

Wichtiger Beitrag

it's over a month later and I am reading the update...I'm going crazy thanks to the suspense. Judy, this is probably some of your best work yet. The scenes, the imagery, the characters...honestly...this is an amazing story. Enter this in a contest somewhere.

Wichtiger Beitrag

OMG - this is amazing stuff, Judy. I was so disappointed when the story ended where it did...I was hoping for completion. But I expect you will have to write a lot more pages to make this a full length novel.

This is my pick of the year! Oftimes when I see "112 pages" my heart sinks. Can I really get through all of this? Do I want to? I didn't even notice the amount of pages, so engrossed was I in your characterization of the... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

What an intriguing character you dreamt up in "Ghost"! Damn, you left me turning that last page again and again, hoping I'd somehow missed the next scene!!!!

You populated this great story with such real and fleshed out characters, all the way from Jimmy Olsen and Perry White to the vicious guard in solitary. The scenes, too, between Michael and Victoria were perfect. Well-done!

All in all I rank this right at the top of my favorites here:)

Wichtiger Beitrag

BRILLIANT. When you post up what happens next, please send out a message. I am eager to learn more about Michael and Gabriel. And something about Veronica doesn't feel might just be me though.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I thoroughly enjoy your writing and I'm on board, and want to read more. Good job.

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