
All she wanted was to finish reading what had so far been an awesome story. But that simply wasn't to be. What to do? A tale of the deep frustration and time limits.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Just wondering if you could read some more of my work when you get a chance..It really doesn't matter what you critique...Be blessed, Danny....

Wichtiger Beitrag

I am having a hard time writing this comment. Breathing hard! Catch my breath! Laugh some more! Now, ... Breath again.

Very funny!

I did it. That is my comment.

Catch my breath again! Laugh some more! Wipe the tears from my eyes!

Loved it!

1 Kommentar

Thank you! I'm grinning at your hilarious comment! I guess this proves that real life can be seriously funnier than fiction! Love your icon, btw!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you! By the way, "Barry" refers to Barry Carver, one of the authors on BookRix, and yes, this actually happened to me. Anyway, I'm so glad you enjoyed it - writing it was certainly a great way for me to vent, lol!

Wichtiger Beitrag

The ending was not what I expected...
Its a short but meaningful story..yes yes.
Absolutely loved it:-)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you so much! I wrote this in a rush during a moment of extreme aggravation, using words for therapy, I guess. When I'm aggravated BEYOND words, I sit down at the piano and beat the living snot out of Beethoven or Mozart. Thank goodness I have these outlets (writing and music) or I probably would have imploded long ago, lol! Anyway, I'm so glad you enjoyed this weird little story! 'D

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

I loved this! I was able to completely relate to this story and loved the details :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Bravo! This is written very well! I am amazed at your skills. Besides the mild language at the end, I can find nothing to critique!

Well, there's only one place you messed up, and only because you forgot to put a word in.

You wrote:

"She didn't own an e-book reader, was flat broke, and it could be ages, if ever, before she finally got to read the ending."

Of course you'll probably see your mistake right away. You seemed to... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Great job on this. Of course, it tells of that sense of disappointment we all get sometimes. lol.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I liked it! This made me think of reading a really good book, and then the bell rings and I have to get to my next class. Or my sister (who shares my room) decides to go to bed early and turns off the light. Or having a surprise visitor or phone call that you can't ignore.

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