

He went to the asylum as a child because his father worked there. He stayed in the residential part because his mother died and their house was sold. He wasn't supposed to stay there forever...but he did.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

My deepest thanks to everyone who commented. I don't always get the notifications of comments (not sure why - I used to get them in my email, too), and so I missed many of these. I'm both astonished by and grateful for the generous, encouraging words. This story began, literally, as a dream that woke me up, shoved me out of bed, and dragged me to the laptop to start writing it down.

So thank you from the bottom of my heart for... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Beautifully written, I was completely moved by Max's story. I literally couldn't stop until I finished it. I have a new definition for 'bittersweet' now. Thank you, for sharing this!

1 Kommentar

How kind you are! See my comment above - and a big hug of gratitude to you! 'D

Wichtiger Beitrag

There are times in my life I've sensed that the world has passed me by...I believe Max knew better than anyone what the world could do the the innocents that have been so abused by the the intolerance of the rest of humanity.

This was a most moving and humbling experience to read this story and to feel the visceral all encompassing feeling of loss, re-birth, and then resignation of life and it's weight upon us a human... mehr anzeigen

2 Kommentare

And I am totally humbled by your praise, sir! My goodness! You give me hope, something every writer needs. Bless you for that! 'D


You are most welcome!

Wichtiger Beitrag

I was hoping for more suspense on this one. Otherwise, it was well descriptive and and well written. Good Work! :)

2 Kommentare

Thanks! It wasn't a suspense-driven story line, though. Just a simple speculative sci-fi thing. More drama, I guess, than anything else. Thank you for your kind comment - it means a lot! 'D


No Problem! :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

The very idea of Max and his blessing/curse is tantalizing, intriguing. I asked myself many questions as I read..."How could he...?" You answered each in the narrative, and I lost myself in the story.
Such a perfect mix of sci-fi/fantasy and Romance, and your ending and Epilogue were MORE than could be asked for.
Just wonderful, Judy.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Once again a great story is penned by Judy Colella. So many twist and turns, hold the reader’s attention in contemplation of the story as it unfolds. It is a story surprisingly filled with darkness, love, and finally with selflessness.

As I read this story, I marveled at how the main character interacted in a life that was not of his choosing. A story of good and evil, as a man struggles to find what the title suggest, “Sanity.”

Wichtiger Beitrag

Absolutely wonderful story, filled with brilliant descriptive passages worthy of a classical writer. You have a rare gift of being able to tell the kind of story that one just cannot put down. I can see this as a movie - and hope you will start sending it out to those who can make these dreams come true.

As always, your writing leaves an impression in my heart and soul and this one will remain with me for a long, long time.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

I've read several of your stories, Judy, and this is without question the best thing I've ever read by you. It literally took my breath away in places. The intro is gripping, your descriptions riveting. The plot is poignant and mysterious, and your descriptions of some of what went on in the asylum are gut-wrenching. The ending nearly made me cry. I hope more people take an hour or two out of their day to read this- it is... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

That's a pretty neat (long) story. You have excellent descriptive passages throughout. I especially think you have a knack for showing us scenery, whether it's flowers, trees, shrubbery, grass, etc. Good Job.
Your ending succeeds in tugging at the ole emotional strings. Many writers can't pull that off effectively. BTW Laz captured the spirit of the ending well with that wrecking ball on the cover.

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