Overcomer - The Journey

Book I of The MacDara Chronicles Von:
Overcomer - The Journey


Cian MacDara, born in Donegal, Ireland in 537 a.d., has a destiny that will take him across time and continents. To fulfill it, he will need the help of Druids, angels, and some pretty special friends from modern-day Connecticut. But before his ultimate purpose is achieved, he must survive a journey through extreme adversity and overcome the darkness that wants to destroy him.

Beiträge und Kommentare
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Gelöschter User

Amazing! You still teach me, Judy. I speak of your use of italics to indicate the subject is in thought. Anyway, here I am checking out your fantasy. I will add as I read this epic.

4 Kommentare

Thank you, Dave! Wow! I'm especially glad that you're reading it because I know I can always count on you to be honest, and that's what I need more than anything, my friend.

Gelöschter User

Oh my, I am starting Chapter nine and already I have an opinion of the work. Reminiscent of Nancy Drew or The Hardy Boys but more the flavor of Enid Blyton and her The Faraway Tree or The Wishing Chair series. Her famous five and secret seven filled us with wonder when I was in... mehr anzeigen

Gelöschter User

Sadly from this center point on I found myself getting mired in complexity of story plot and of structure, jumping from past to future. I'm afraid my opinion of the novel has been reduced considerably and I finished reading it with relief it was done. My opinion is only one of... mehr anzeigen


No worries - this is typical of the genre and not everyone likes the use of backstory. What matters is that you took the time to read it. That's gold. Thank you!

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Gelöschter User

I read 10 pages so far. It's interest so far. But I am still wondering how and why did Cian had to go to live with foster parents? Hope that's explained later in the book. Once I read it all I'll add up comments.
And also how about giving a clue about characters. Like who's who and stuff.

Take care.
Stay safe

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Gelöschter User

The book reminds me of another book about Greek mythology, 'Percy Jackson' by Rick Riordan. This book is even better (if possible). Marvelous twists from a new handsome boy coming to school to visions and a history of torturing. Wonderful descriptions that made me feel as if I were inside the story myself. And this is only the beginning though. I am sure that the story will get better and better as it goes on
Also may I ask... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

First, thank you for your kind observations and feedback - wow! This is book one of an eight-book series, all of which has been written, but only three of which have been published and are for sale on Amazon. I left this one here for free for my BookRix friends, and to get new... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

outstanding work!! some words off or spelled wrong. but hey I don't have room to talk. Please update soon!!

4 Kommentare

Uh-oh. Which words were misspelled? I really need to know, since this is already published and for sale on Amazon. Because I published through them and it's a POD, I can make changes.

Thanks - I'm delighted you like it! Wow! ')

[Big Hug!]


oh heck, i will have to reread it to remember. don't you have a friend on here that has been helping you? I think they would be better at this than I am. But I will say that I read the other two books and I can't wait to see book 4 and so on. Wonderful work!


I've had one other person who has read them here, and a professional editor also, but neither of them mentioned misspellings. Not that they couldn't exist - it's so easy to miss those darned things.

The original version of this series was published in 2008 through a different... mehr anzeigen


Hi Judy,,its been eons since I was on here.. The first thing I did was to post here and let you know I am going to reread this and all in McDara Chronicles! Finally have a pc I can trust to read this comfortably! J' certainly comment as I read then all! :)

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Gelöschter User

I want to draw Cian. . . . Yes.

I've read up to Chapter Five, and I'm really enjoying it. Cian is so lovable ^_^ I don't know whether I like the girls yet. They seem a little too. . . . teenagery? That's not a word, I know, but it's the only way to describe them. Cian, however? Love him :) And that's with his looks notwithstanding.

I'm waiting so see whether he gains a bad side. Maybe a comment that stirs an outburst of rage?... mehr anzeigen

12 Kommentare | Ältere Kommentare anzeigen

You're wonderful, lol. Thank you. You know, the huge irony of this is that Books I and II WERE originally one book, but I was having such a hard time getting readers in my target audience to stick with something over 480 pages, that I decided to split it in half. That's why... mehr anzeigen


I tend to write in the omniscient POV, but I've decided to convert Soular Eclipse to the main character's POV only, while keeping it in the third person. Let me know if you're interested. I realize I've already asked you to read the first three books in the MacDara series, but... mehr anzeigen

Gelöschter User

It was (and is) absolutely no problem! For one, I am, first and foremost, a reader. When I decided to begin writing, it was because I already was an literature lover.

As for this book, I still think it should be combined with #2. This is partly because of what I perceive to be... mehr anzeigen

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