Overcomer - The Battle

Book II of The MacDara Chronicles Von:
Overcomer - The Battle
Armed with knowledge of his enemy, Cian makes the final preparations to face the appalling demon, Moloch. Victory in this battle and the safety of those he loves will depend upon how sharply Cian allows the truth to shine through the Sword of Light, and how well he has faced down the horrors of his past.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
grranimal vor ca. 9 Jahren

Totally enjoyed Books I & II. You did a fabulous job of pulling me in and keeping me!! Thank you so much!! Looking forward to more :)

1 Kommentar
judycolella vor ca. 9 Jahren

Thank you so much! All three are for sale on Amazon.com, Books-A-Million.com, and barnesandnoble.com. as both paperbacks and e-books.

I posted the first two here for free and was thinking about adding the third because I wanted to give back to the book community that has give so... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User vor ca. 10 Jahren


My thoughts:

You are right in the fact that this book completes the plot arc from the first book, while it ALSO includes the promise of more "adventures" to come for Cian, Celeste, and Katie.

I was very pleased with this book, and the characters grew more and ever more developed.

I think I mentioned in my other comment that Moloch reminded me of Satan, and while I read this book, I realized that he was, more or less... mehr anzeigen

2 Kommentare
judycolella vor ca. 10 Jahren

Yahoo! I'm delighted you liked this! Can't wait to get your take on Book III! [Jumping around kitchen with joy...uh-oh. The dog is on the phone...heard him bark something about Baker Acting...]

Gelöschter User vor ca. 10 Jahren


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