Jett is a handsome, likeable Olympic decathlon gold medalist. Atarah is a beautiful, accomplished sculptress. Their love for each other is epic, but devotion and adoration that deep could also cause great harm to those in its grip. When tragedy separates them, the harm becomes as epic as their love.

Action, Thriller, Adventure
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I personally don't think this is finished. You've begun a pretty outstanding novel, as I see the story progression. Chapter divisions, too, unlike in a short story. The building of characters, the prelude, as it were. And one of the things that struck me was the fact that Atarah cancelled her flight to Greece, opting for a much later one on a private jet. WHY? I saw wreckage, but no bodies...which made me suspicious:) In a... mehr anzeigen

4 Kommentare

Wow, thank you so much! As regards the unfinished feel, astute observation - this is only the first six chapters. The entire thing surpassed the 50,000 word mark, and I have only to post them. I put the first six up, though, to see if I got a good response. This isn't my usual... mehr anzeigen


Got that virtual hug. Delightful! And it was probably inane of me...seeing that you had chapter headings, lol...that NUMB is ongoing! Not your usual genre, to be sure, but I sense you're VERY comfortable in this one!


Okay - done! The remaining nine chapters have been posted, reformatted, and proofed. I've discovered that in order for the program here to do the paragraphing right, you have to manually delete all hard returns and the spaces the program adds, then hit return again to get the... mehr anzeigen


Wow! You are a FAST writer:)

I've been using a Word doc, single-spaced, indented ten (by tab setting) in my new book. I even italicize in the Word doc. When I'm ready to add to the Bookrix book, I just copy and paste. I DO have to double space in between each paragraph, but... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Well it is a good book, but I think I know the reason to why no one read it on wattpad, you see, on wattpad, good books have amazing covers.. I think it's about the cover.

2 Kommentare

The cover here isn't the one I used on Wattpad. This one I just threw together to get the book posted. I would hope, though, that readers there aren't that shallow, especially since some of the best books ever written had completely uninteresting covers. What's that saying? You... mehr anzeigen

Gelöschter User

Well, I don't know about others really, but I'm the type to judge a book by its cover, well sometimes, not ALL the time.

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