It's Not What You Think

It's Not What You Think

Yes, there is an awful lot in here about vampires and werewolves, but it's not what you think. For real. Seriously. Look, read the Prologue - if you think you can figure out what the book is about (hey, that rhymes!) and suspect you won't like it, exit out of the book and read something else. No hard feelings. On the other hand, it might turn out to be something you never expected, and will be worth going to Chapter One...then Two...etcetera, etcetera. All you have to lose is a few minutes of your life that you'll never get back, but sometimes, it's worth it.

None, Spoiler, Just, Read, It
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

The cover is funny and at the same time cute, but not as cute as "And so it Goes" 's cover, that one made me 'aww' for about a long fifteen minutes before reading.

I'll give this book a read, because it seems to be interesting from the blurb! My type of book! <3

Gelöschter User

Yes, that must be why he was shocked! Could there by another photo for that scenario? If so, then we could put all the pieces together and solve the mystery!


I feel a book coming on...

Gelöschter User

Uh yes... Another book! Can't wait! XD

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

XD the cover is ONE OF MY FAVORITES!!

Gelöschter User



Yup, it's Puck. By the way, freaking autocorrect decided the right way to spell the artist's name was the wrong way, grrr. It's Arthur Rackham, not "Packham" (it just tried to change it again - argh!).

Gelöschter User

:)) Thats fine i sort of understood

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

That was fun. Thanks for writing this.

1 Kommentar

Thank you for reading it! Of course, it's just the intro - I'm still working on the actual chapters, but I hope to get to them fairly soon.

Thanks again! I'm glad you enjoyed it so far. ')

Wichtiger Beitrag

Dammit, you're onto something here, ma'am. I mean, taking the time to show the progression, complete with little snippets of "Here's how it went in the Greek (Roman) version..." of those characters we love and hate at the same time was--how do I say it? Okay, time consuming. That was a compliment, by the way. Seriously, I had no idea the Greeks and Romans invented Vlad and Jacob and Bella...well, you know how weird the... mehr anzeigen

3 Kommentare

Thanks, Pat! I honestly think I love doing research as much as I love writing, lol. I appreciate your encouragement, and as always, got a welcome chuckle, especially from the Anne rice inner dialogue! 'D

Strangely enough, I was reading through this Prologue just last night... mehr anzeigen


"Bite Me"...that's vintage Judy, lol. I don't recall reading either of the two you mentioned! Must take some time...


The photo on the cover of "Bite Me" is my daughter, Lily; she used to be into photography and that was one of her self-portrait pictures. Something about her expression made it perfect, but her only reaction when she saw that I'd used it for that book was raised brows and a monotone, "Really?" 'D

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

LOL, wonderful,lol!!

Wichtiger Beitrag
J. M. Rivers

So hilarious and yet so true.

I may be young and ignorant but I enjoyed the illustrations especially about the Greek and Roman werewolves.

In my old age, if I happen to have athritis, I will definitely make sure I have a Tramadol prescription for sure!

Wichtiger Beitrag
Maria Thermann

Naturally, I'm outraged that this academic evaluation of the usefulness of vampires and werewolves in modern society does NOT contain a mention of Willow the Vampire, greatest bloodsucking fiend known to children everywhere. However, it is an entertaining and at times even educational read, despite far too many brackets. They irritate middle-aged readers eyes and slow down the author's jokes. This reviewer didn't appreciate... mehr anzeigen

4 Kommentare

Willow the Vampire, you say? Hm. I stand appropriately chastised, madam, and will immediately look into said Willow's stories. No doubt, I'll find them entertaining! "D

Maria Thermann

Entertaining, educational for anyone called Van Helsing and virtually bracket-free for the benefit of middle-aged grandmothers reading this to younger members of their clan, coven or werewolf pack as bedtime story fodder. Willow, like Dracula when he was still in short trousers... mehr anzeigen


Well said! And, as a fellow vampire-story-lover once said, fangs a lot!

Sorry about all the brackets, by the way. They're the way scripts and screenplays give directions, and I didn't know how else to do that, lol. On the bright side, the side that tells me "bracket" is just one... mehr anzeigen

Maria Thermann

One of them is available for free, so you could get your bookworm fangs into that? It's just a fun short story that I once wrote for the real Willow. Yeah, I realised the brackets were supposed to be Hollywood scriptwriter instructions, but it does get in the way of the jokes in... mehr anzeigen

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