Falling Forward

Falling Forward
Kyva and Dia, twins born at the dawn of a terrible dark age for their people, find themselves having to flee their home world. Desperate to be safe, fearful of what the authorities will do to them if they stay, they not only leave the planet, but escape through a wormhole to a virtually unexplored sector of the universe. When they find a planet that will support life, something goes wrong. Their ship loses control and they crash into a forest. They survive the violent landing, only to discover that while the air is breathable, it's almost too rich for their bodies to process. But it also looks like this is going to be their new home. Determined to survive and thrive on this new world, the twins embark on an adventure unlike any they'd ever imagined.

Space., Aliens, Surival
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What a delightful story. It flowed smoothly and was easy to read. I wish I could write narration like that.

2 Kommentare

Wow, thank you! Like your story, this is only a first draft and as soon as I get two minutes to rub together, so to speak, I'll be adding chapters and editing for errors (and by the way, from what I saw of your writing, you certainly can write excellent narration!). It means a... mehr anzeigen

Gelöschter User

Thanks Judy.

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