

Grandpa was getting old. He was doing strange things. But were they really all that strange? To others, perhaps, but Grandpa had always had his reasons...

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Wow. The ending was so unexpected. This was a very interesting read.

2 Kommentare

Thank you! Not surprisingly, I got the idea while waiting at a red light one afternoon, lol. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment - I just finished reading yours, but had to dash off to work. I'll leave a comment (you have an impressive talent) tomorrow morning after... mehr anzeigen


I'm glad I could do that. Ideas come in numerous ways.
Thank you for reading my book. I really appreciate it.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Glynis Rankin

This was wonderful endearing well written story Judy, and very imaginative to boot! I've always enjoyed your writings.

1 Kommentar

Thank you, Glynis! One gets some rather unusual ideas while sitting at red lights, lol! I really appreciate your encouraging comment - as always. You're wonderful. ')

Wichtiger Beitrag

He reminds me of my own grandfather, 92 and still working it :,)
This was heartwarming, bitter sweet, and over all very beautiful :D

2 Kommentare

Thank you so much - what a lovely comment! I really appreciate that a bunch; you're the best! ')

Wichtiger Beitrag

This is a great story! love the twist on redeeming the time. And "it'll be given back to you sevenfold."

2 Kommentare

Thank you, Paula. I'm so glad you like it! And by the way, thanks for all the informative, inspirational, and timely posts you put up on Facebook. I always look forward to seeing what you've shared! You're the best!


thank you - glad you like. I'm glad I caught your link while I'm over here - always love your stuff!

Wichtiger Beitrag

OMG that was the cutest story ever! I loved it. It had me hooked from the beginning. I really wanted to know what the whole notebook thing was about. You tied everything together perfectly.

What a beautiful piece of writing. Hugs!

1 Kommentar

Wow, thank you! It seems I get my best stories from the most mundane circumstances, lol. Of course, I wouldn't be able to think of any of my stuff as any good if it weren't for the kind, encouraging feedback I get from others who, like you, are devoted and talented writers.... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I truly enjoyed reading this story, Judy, and loved the twist in the tale. Although, it is fictional, it has an element of believability as it gives the reader a feasible explanation as to why some people survive despite all the odds against them, whilst others die from a seemingly minor illness.

Encore, Judy!

3 Kommentare

Lol! Thanks so much, Chris! I live in Florida where many of the traffic lights sit on red for two or more minutes, and I found myself wishing I could get all that time back. So who knows? Maybe we can! ')


I live in area with an untold amount of traffic lights, so I have every reason to pray you're right, Judy. ;D

Gelöschter User

Better start keeping track now.

Wichtiger Beitrag
J.C. Laird

Now THAT'S a story that packs a punch in a few words. Well written (as always), and about as imaginative as anyone could want. Kudos, I never saw where that was going, but, oh, so satisfying! Nicely done. I thought my imagination was prone to zigging and zagging, but I'll take my hat off to you on this one.

See, those blockbuster ideas can come to you at the oddest places and times....

1 Kommentar

That they, do, John! And thank you so very much for the extremely encouraging comment!

A few years ago I never could have written a short story, but thanks to you and the other writers here who have taken the time to share their thoughts, suggestions and ideas, I've learned it's... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

WOW! That story utterly moved me. It was fantastic and the ending was utterly perfect and original. Wow!!

3 Kommentare

Thank you so much for saying that! It all began - duh - as I was sitting at a red light. I was giving my son a ride to work, and having gotten caught at this particular light that's nearly a full two minutes long, I said, "Hey, Dave. Wouldn't it be cool if we could somehow get... mehr anzeigen


Oh I love to hear things like that!! It makes it seem like the story has a life of its own and was searching for someone to write it down:)


Lol, I think you're right. My book "Kex" came about the same way - I saw a license plate on the car in front of me with the letters KEX on it, and thought, "Huh. What a great name for a character." So I began thinking about it, and by the time I got home, I had decided what to... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag
Backwood writer

Very good Judy I liked the story, was surprised with where you were going with the theme and the end , you're a good writer and a good person, keep me in your prayers . Stanley Mcqueen

1 Kommentar

Thanks, Stanley. I've continued to pray for you, by the way, and appreciate the updates you give us, even when they aren't the greatest news. At least we have some idea of what's going on and what to pray for. 'D

Wichtiger Beitrag

Got a good laugh out of it. Now all i need is a book, but I don't have much time to worry about stop lights. I do however have a better Idea. I'm going to write down all the time I waste waiting on Computer support until I can get a real person to answer a simple question that the computer doesn't have an answer for.

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