And So It Goes

And So It Goes

Shasta Darby is in high school. She owns a car that has its own ideas about when and how to run, a single mom with a geeky boyfriend, and a somewhat crazy friend named Gina. Twenty-three days into her senior year, the bullies and nasties she'd been able to avoid until then suddenly decide she's worth their attention. This has a kind of domino effect, causing other people - and specifically a boy-people - to start noticing her as well.


Life for Shasta has just gone from ho-hum to get-me-on-the-next-plane-out.

Teens, Relationships, Bullying, Angst
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Gelöschter User

I only read the first chapter so far, but I wanted to leave a comment. (If I am not mistaken, I think you posted the first paragraph in one of my threads about story starters? Because I recognize it, in any case.)

I really like this. It's written conversationally, and the main character is very sarcastic and not extremely poetic. And for some reason, I LOVE that. I mean, I tend to be a very poetic person (but I am sarcastic... mehr anzeigen

3 Kommentare

Thank you so very much, Sabrina! I based Shasta in large part on my own experiences - like you, I was bullied a great deal as a younger person, but by the time I got to high school, the bullies were ignoring me, probably because they were too busy gushing over each other's... mehr anzeigen

Gelöschter User

Yes, that's very similar to me. Dictionaries and thesauruses were my friend, and very few people could comprehend my irritated quips.

Yeah, it's not that far stretched from a few decades ago. People will always be absorbed in media and pop culture, regardless of the time. (I... mehr anzeigen



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lazarus67 the cover. Leah is so photographeble...photographible, photographbel...photogenic.

4 Kommentare

Lol! That she is. Your version reminds me of "Primavera" by Botticelli.


Okay, "Primavera" with an attitude.

lazarus67 can use the updated cover


Thank you! Just saw it on Facebook - you're awesome! <3

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Just changed the cover - I realized that if I ever try to publish this, I won't be able to use an image from Google Images (even though I love it) without paying a copyright fee. So I used a picture of my older daughter that had started out as a photo, but was turned into an awesome watercolor by Laz. Her expression is the perfect embodiment of Shasta's overall attitude, lol.

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Gelöschter User

I totally got that Richard joke! XD
Keep Going! <3

3 Kommentare
Gelöschter User

P.S. The cover is the cutest thing I've ever saw! <3


You got it? Ha! Yesss! About the cover, I agree. I don't remember where I found it, but I laughed for about fifteen minutes and even used it as wallpaper on my phone for a while! 'D

I'm working on the next chapter right now.

Gelöschter User

Cool, looking forward for it! XD

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♛ samzy ♛

I saw the cover of the book and the only word that escaped my moth instantly was "awwww"! :)


The LARP group I belong to is having a major Halloween gig this evening, so I'll probably go to that. Just have to figure out a costume. You?

♛ samzy ♛

I'm gonna do the the one ur seeing on my profile.....ill do like that.........and then being with frnds nd kids too.........nd all those stuff! XD


Now that will be an epic costume! Enjoy your night!

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Gelöschter User

Once again you cause me to choke on my own spit as I laugh,lol!

1 Kommentar

Then my work is done here...

Thanks, lol. I really appreciate that someone gets my bizarre sense of humor. "D

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Gelöschter User

I just love the idea of it and I am still reading it, nice work Mrs.

2 Kommentare

Thank you! ')

Gelöschter User

You're most welcome :)

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S.P. Johnson Jr.

This is considerably different than the visions of Vonnegut the title suggests, but well written all the same. (Chapters 1-3 so far). All of the broken writing rules exhibit the characters personality, a cleverly deployed voice.

On a side note, I used to wear my hair in thick spikes thus earning me the name "Sonic" from my manager.

1 Kommentar

Thank you! I wrote this as a kind of anti-story to all the teen-angst-pretty-but-bullied-and-abused-school-girl-in-skinny-jeans books that everyone seems so fond of writing lately, lol.

So you were a Sonic, too, eh? Cool. 'D

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Ch. 3

It's just...what's the word? Captivating. Seriously. Shasta and her wit in Chemistry. Smiley-face there. Shasta coming to real life in a physical way in Gym. I loved the pole dancer quip. But that hits at the heart of the matter. Shasta doesn't just walk through the story, it's her character and unique voice; witty as...well, as a seasoned writer can make her...that give such life to this story. Ten thumbs up, again!

1 Kommentar

A huge thanks for that, my friend! Wow. To be honest, I'm having almost too much fun writing this. Chapter 4 is almost done, and should be up soon - I kind of interrupted myself with this crazy website idea I had...

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