

A new vacation destination is discovered - under the Pacific Ocean! This story began as a dream, but a vivid one that deserved to be written down.

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The description was vivid and made me feel like I saw this place in real life. Now I want to see these early inhabitants living their daily lives.

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This little story started as a vivid dream, which is probably why my descriptions were so clear. I woke up and immediately wrote what I'd been "seeing" in my dream.

I haven't gone back to it yet but like you, I had great curiosity about these people, even though they were a... mehr anzeigen

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Once again kudos to Ms Judy. Imagery was easy to see and feel. History can with out a doubt twist and enlighten the mind.

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What a sweetie you are! This little story started as a very vivid dream, parts of which were later confirmed by history, lol!

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Thank you for your kind words and your vote! I'll be honest, though - I've heard people mention Lovecraft but have never read any of his/her works,or...wait. I might have, a long time ago, but I usually remember the names of great authors. Wow. For a sci-fi buff, I seem to have dropped the ball on this one, lol! Well, now I'm so ashamed of that little fact, I think I'll go slink off to the library and find something by that... mehr anzeigen

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Thank you so much! Your encouraging words are deeply appreciated - you're such a talented writer, so praise from you means a great deal to me, and I'm most grateful. The story came directly from a dream, as did the name of the location. I thought it an odd kind of name, so just for fun I Googled it and found that there is, in fact, a place in Israel with that name, something I honestly didn't know before. Weird. :D Anyway, thanks again!

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I could perfectly picture it in my mind. Great descriptions, with perfect imagery and vocabulary.

Also, I just love the name "Agamon"!

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How did i miss this? Good story

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Sounds like a delightful vacation spot. Enjoyed your story and voted.

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Both this one and "Run" were from dreams. This one was so vivid, I wrote it down as soon as I woke up. The other one came from nightmares - I always know a dream is going to turn bad when in it, I walk into a darkening room, hit the light switch, and nothing happens. So...I based "Run" on that. Put it all together with my overactive imagination, and voila! ;D

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