A Block Of Time

A Block Of Time

My name is Silver. No, I'm not the Lone Ranger's horse, thank you. What I am, apparently, is a time-traveler. An unwilling one. All I wanted to do was go to lunch, but instead of heading out the door of the law office where I worked, I found myself in a forest, staring up at a dwarf on a stegosaurus. This is my journal, memoir, whatever you want to call it, of my inexplicable adventure through time. Hey, you got a sandwich you could share with me?


To all those whose brains play practical jokes on them at the worst times...

Time travel, Humor, Fantasy and magic
Beiträge und Kommentare
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Gelöschter User

Hahahah, this is awesome!! I love Silver already and can't wait to read what happens next!! Just freaking amazing!!

2 Kommentare

I started writing this way back in the 80s, but put it aside to finish another one (which is now on sale here with the title "Soular Eclipse"), and somehow this one got buried in my files. I found it a few weeks ago and decided to post what I'd written thus far, and if I got a... mehr anzeigen

Gelöschter User

Pleasure! The way you write and the things being done, i can see it happening to someone,lol! That's also what I love about books, to be able to relate to some extent with them and to just enjoy the ride or world (lol) with them!! I will check out the rest of your books!! Thx... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Very informative. I will be very suspicious of the silver in my bathroom from now on.

I love your writing stile, and your imagination.

I think I may be hooked on your books.

3 Kommentare

Wow! Really? What a sweetheart! Thank you! I know I completely enjoyed your story about...hmmm. If I remember, you didn't actually name him, so I won't either, in case someone reads this and wants to check it out. It was a wonderful story with a unique perspective told with a... mehr anzeigen


Thank you for the compliment. Never considered myself as having considerable talent.


You should, my dear. Seems to me the best writers don't realize how good they are, and the ones I enjoy the most write things that are heart-driven. Like yours. =)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Judy, I really love this book. It is very entertaining and hilarious! A Great story!

2 Kommentare

I meant to type a A great Tale of a Story. :)


Renee! Wow! Thank you! I started writing this awhile back. It was based on an idea I had waaayyy back in the '80s, but had never placed into the context of a story. Then, after joining BookRix, I found a venue for it, and started writing it down toward the end of last year...I... mehr anzeigen

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