Child Of The Forest

Book I Von:
Child Of The Forest
This work of Fan Fiction follows the life of Link, a boy left in the Kokiri Forest to be raised by its forest folk under the protection and auspices of The Great Deku Tree. This boy has a great destiny to fulfill, one that represents the only hope for Hyrule's future.

The story is based, somewhat loosely and with a lot of liberties taken, on the Nintendo game, "The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time." I've attempted to make its hero, Link, into a character that goes beyond the manipulative limits of the Nintendo controller and those of the game itself. This first book chronicles his life as a somewhat confused but very advanced ten-year-old.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "The Hero of Hyrule Saga"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Child Of The Forest
Book I
Key Quest: Air and Fire
Book 2
Link, Ocarina, Navi, Nintendo, Games
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I love a lot of Zelda games but this one is my favorite and I'm glade you wrote a book about it

3 Kommentare

Thank you! So few people here seem to be Zelda fans; I was thinking of taking the book down because no one was reading it. I look forward to your comments - these books are my attempt at giving the characters a three-dimensional life, kind of like a live-action movie version,... mehr anzeigen

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Gelöschter User

I love this book I've only read to like page 13 but I love it so far can't wait to finish

1 Kommentar

Really? That's awesome - thank you so much! This is one of my favorite games ever, so writing the story was major fun. I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Thanks again. =D

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Gelöschter User

Just finished this like I'd been meaning to, and let me just say, you are now one of my favorite writers, period. It just sounds so natural for you. Great job! I'm off to read book two, and then look at your MacDara series more closely. Thank you for being an amazing writer and inspiration to this fantasy fanatic over here!

2 Kommentare

I'm almost speechless! Wow! I'd all but given up on that Zelda fan-fic series, thinking only one or two people on the site had ever played it, and it therefore was a lot of silly self-indulgence. I'm still working on one of them - the third, maybe? Not sure. It might even be the... mehr anzeigen

Gelöschter User

^_^ I'm glad my comment has possibly inspired you to write a third (DO IT NOW!!!!!)--- Ahem. . . . Anyway, I'm serious. It's really good, and I don't generally read fan fiction. The fact that this story is somehow cannon too boggles my mind.

If I like the MacDara... mehr anzeigen

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Gelöschter User

I just read Chapter Two, and I realized that you took every aspect of the game quite literally. I primarily noticed this when Link opened the chest and there was a blinding bright light. I chuckled to myself a little, almost hearing the music. "Da-na-na-na! You got a Kokiri Sword!" Very good chapter XD

2 Kommentare

Lol, thanks! That's exactly what I did! =D

Gelöschter User


Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Wow. Simply wow! I love this. The Legend of Zelda series is perhaps one of my absolute favorite game series. And here you are making a wonderful story out of them. Extremely well written! My only regret in reading this is that you beat me to it. I had been thinking of novelizing the games, specifically this game, as it is my favorite, but then I found this. It would be wrong, I feel, to steal another's fan fiction idea,... mehr anzeigen

3 Kommentare

Thank you so much! You have no idea how delightful it is to hear this! I had pretty much given up on anyone reading it, much less appreciating it in terms of the game and its wonderful characters - you're awesome!

You know, the great thing about fan-fiction is that everyone has a... mehr anzeigen

Gelöschter User

I still feel like it's already perfect the way you did it. Unfortunately, my idea was to do much the same; add personalities. And I wouldn't want to take your idea. Maybe I'll do the Twilight Princess instead...

You're very welcome! It was delightful read! Truly delightful. I... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I love this game and I just started reading this book but so far I can't wait to read more.... It reminds me of the beginning of the game so amazing

2 Kommentare

Wow, thank you! I was beginning to think no one would read it, much less like it. Not many players of the game are around these days, I'm afraid.

The reason it reminds you of the beginning is because it is. I literally took the game and turned it into a story, giving Link a... mehr anzeigen


That's so cool.... It's been a while since I've played the game but every time I think about it I remember it as clear as I day and this just helps bring back memories and once I finish reading this one I'm going to start reading the next one.... Can't wait

Wichtiger Beitrag
J.C. Laird

Like I originally said, I'm not much of a fantasy reader and I never played the game the story is based on. But, that said, the beginning of your story is intriguing and has enough "huh's?" in it to pique my interest. As always, well written, and if anybody can drag me back into a fantasy world, it would be you. Nice job.

1 Kommentar

Just saw this, John - thank you! I haven't checked the page here for a while; it seems nobody was really interested other than Pat and Stephen. Well, and me, of course. I honestly think I'm having more fun writing it than anyone is having reading it, but then you say you enjoyed... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag
S.P. Johnson Jr.

Ah... this brings back some memories. It's almost like playing the game again. Are you doing this all straight from memory, or are you doing another play-through as you write?

3 Kommentare

A little of both - I'll write what I recall (I must have played this one at least eighty times), then take a peek at the walkthrough to make sure I haven't misremembered or omitted something. I also loved the Master Quest version and considered adding elements of that one, but... mehr anzeigen


Child of the Forest

You’ve done quite a remarkable job with this YA, Judy! I’ve a good feeling more chapters are coming…or does this end Book 1?
Whichever, you’ve left this reader asking the question: What’s next!

As with all good fantasy adventures, you’ve created wonderful... mehr anzeigen

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Wichtiger Beitrag

Cute! I'm a Zelda fan myself from way back and I like how sarcastic Link is:) You should check out the older Zelda games too if you haven't already. They've got some great stories.

2 Kommentare

My kids played those - I never liked the one-dimensional quality of the earlier versions, and found that Link to be almost too heroic for a little guy. Still, you couldn't help falling in love with him, lol! But you're right. The story lines are extremely well-conceived for a... mehr anzeigen

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