ART BUM (Chapters 1-2)

Guide to the Best Places to Die Von:
ART BUM (Chapters 1-2)
“ART BUM: Guide to the Best Places to Die.” Map the unmappable. Everyone is an explorer when it comes to mapping the end... life's end... your end. Everyone alive is a tourist when it comes to traveling to the lands of the dead. Get this graphic novel guide to death and dying. No life plan is complete without it. No illusion of completeness is as satisfying as this one.

“ART BUM: Guide to the Best Places to Die,” the new graphic novel by Joy Rip, is the ghostly story of one desperate artist's graphic blueprint for dying with the illusion of grace.

Some say life begins without fear. Some say life begins with fear. We are born. We experience pain. We become fearful. We experience fear. We learn fear. We are ruled by fear. All the rules that govern the art world are rules crafted by fear and pain. The rules governing any living world... any conscious world... any human world, are rules crafted by our perceived limitations in the face of fear and pain. So why not cut to the chase and create a work of art that simply deals head on with the one most obvious pain and limitation ruling our lives: Our fear of death.

Joy Rip smiles. “This is the poor man's guide to dying. It's designed for the poor only because it aims to be a viable plan for anyone, even those with the fewest financial options, on how best to leave this world (with your head up). But everyone is welcome to use it.” Take a look. A bad plan might be better than no plan at all. Just remember, it's only art.

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