Running into Problems

Running into Problems
A children's book I wrote for an English assignment. It was so good I thought I would publish it on here and see what you guys think. This is my first book and I don't usually write children's books.

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Pfft. XD
Cute. Stick figures are fu~un.
For a first time at a children's book (I'm assuming it's your first time, please correct me if I am incorrect) you did a good job. Seeing as this was published onto Bookrix... quite some time ago, I'm also going to assume that you've improved some! :D Are you planning on sharing in other stories of yours?

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I am currently working on another story called Dinosaur Arms. I will do a chapter every night, I only have the prologue done. This book is not a childrens book, but a young adults book.

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and I think it will speak well to kids. My only suggestion would be to elaborate on what Joshua's dad got him from the store. From the illustration, it looks like a treadmil or maybe a scooter? I wasn't sure.

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I invite you over to the children's authors group - we have people come on here just to read what our children's authors put on.

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That was cute. Loved it. Did you draw the pictures?

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