The Eyes Of The Almighty

The Eyes Of The Almighty

About The Author's Intention

 I, Joseph Edem Bassey had the society in mind while I wrote this story. My intentions are clearly to help the people, especially the girls or ladies in religious background, understand and develope a conscious lifestyle while they live in the society. Personally, I see the female child to be at more risk and danger in the direction to decide and pursue destiny. Therefore, I made this short story, my first short story to help the female child, not excluding the male child as both of them must be acknowledged in the right way through happenings in their ignorance or in the past.


About The Book

  I was there when he forced her and raped her to death but I wondered if he ever knew that I saw him. Well, it seems no one sees me but I see everyone. Hey no, he is lusting after the girl with the aspiration of being a Reverend sister. Will he let go off her without raping her also? You know, he is one of the wolves in sheep clothings, a youth leader in the church.


 Do you want to know who I am? Even I am yet to discover, but I know that I could see everything including his thoughts.

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