Street Fighters Dont Love... Do they???

Payback's A Bitch... And So Is She! PG - 13 Von:
Street Fighters Dont Love... Do they???
My name is Casper Love Violet a.k.a Ghost. I know, i know weird name right, well my dad said he was a Hippie back then and it was a good name and he always loved unusual names. My mother you ask she was raped and killed, and my father died trying to protect her and me.
This is the story of me and how I live this life.
I fight...
I run...
I vandalize...
I have power...
This is me

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jordanpie90096 vor ca. 14 Jahren bearbeitet

Okay... So this is my first book on here but i have the same book on a different site called, same name and everything. but no hate comments please we are having an issue with that with "wattpad" because people are really being harsh to a author named, mrchow to the point were she just deleted her account so please no hate comment to me or anyone else :D And don't forget to comment so if i make a few... mehr anzeigen

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