
Candice Richardson, who is born into a world where beauty is the only judgment cast on its citizens, is ready to stand up for what she believes in.

Self-Esteem, Judgment, Beauty, Bias
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✅ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?_ebook-jordan-link-beautiful

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I enjoyed your refreshing story. Society does put to much emphasis on whats on the outside, and that beauty doesn't last.You have my vote.

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✅ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?writerjordan_1340597763.4430379868

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I like this. It is fresh and very different from the usual run of the mill stories.
Deserves a vote.

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Thank you very much for your positive reply! I too agree, writing is one of the few places where beauty is not the judge!

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Nina Kari

This was both well written and inspiring. I loved every word and believe more people should be like your protagonist Candice and accept their beauty on the inside regardless of what's on the exterior. Beautiful story and magnificently written.

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