The Ultimate Exercises

Awesome Golden exercises as recommended by a physical therapist for physical and mental health wellbeing Von:
The Ultimate Exercises

Hundreds of Millions of persons around the world simply aren't moving enough to meet the minimum threshold for good health — that is, burning at least 700 to 1,000 calories a week through physical pursuits. The benefits of exercise may sound too good to be true, but decades of solid science confirm that exercise improves health and can extend your life. Adding as little as half an hour of moderately intense physical activity to your day can help you avoid a host of serious ailments, including heart disease, diabetes, depression, and several types of cancer, particularly breast and colon cancers. Regular exercise can also help you sleep better, reduce stress, control your weight, brighten your mood, sharpen your mental functioning, and improve your sex life.

I have put together this book “the ultimate exercises” to enable you enjoy complete fitness and good health. The exercises in this guide have been recommended by an experienced physical therapist of over two decades. This book is for all i.e the young and old. Enough has been said!!!



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