The Variations

User: ohmyjones
The Variations

Kate Marie is a college IT student starting her third year. She expects it to be as uneventful as the first two years, but she is shocked when she finds out the whole class has to do a project that would affect their class performance. She is mostly taken aback when she finds herself doing the same project as Chris, the guy she has been avoiding because of an incident that happened in high school. She is unprepared, and she wonders what her junior year has in store for her.


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"You lied, Kate," Chris suddenly spoke. It shocked her out of her trance as she looked at him.

"W-what?" she said, her voice quivering.

"You said you weren't affected by me. Look at you. You're already feeling me without me telling you where to touch me."

Kate opened her mouth, planning to deny his accusation, but she realized he was right. She had been touching his torso, and it had made her wet with arousal. Humiliation burned her cheeks, giving her the sudden urge to leave.

"Where are you going?" Chris growled, raising his knees up. The action made Kate gasp as she was forced to sit near his crotch. She could feel his shaft hardening beneath his jeans.

"I didn't tell you to leave, now did I?"

"I didn't mean to touch you like that, Chris," her attempt at defending herself sounded weak, even to her.

"Oh? You're still going to deny it?" Chris moved closer, having his torso brush up against her clothed one. The contact did not fail to make her shiver.

"Tell me, Kate. Aren't those your nipples poking through your shirt?"

Kate looked down, gasping when she noticed the pebbled organs.

"Didn't your breath pick up when you touched me?" he continued, staring at her with his heated expression.


"And if were to reach a hand between your thighs, wouldn't I find you wet and ready for me?"

A sudden silence filled the room. Kate was speechless in front of Chris. Her crotch was pulsing with need, and she did not know how to proceed.

"You want me, Kate," Chris confirmed. "Just as much as I want you."

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The 'Download' feature is disabled for now. I'm still editing the book, but I believe it will be ready by tomorrow. You will all be able to download it by then.

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