Matriarchal Mayhem

Practical Witchery Von:
User: stormm
Matriarchal Mayhem
The current witch clan matriarch, Melanie, takes on the task of teaching outsiders the benefits of practical witchery. She must also work a diplomatic solution that will soften her father's feelings over a long past clan faction split when their current matriarch, Leona Mae, comes for a visit on Halloween. This story gives a great inside peek at witch culture at its most practical.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Tales of the Witch Clan"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Parting The Veil of Worlds
"Pixie Dust!"
A True Faery Tale
Bad Bex
Demon's Debacle
Through The Rift (as told by Scotty)
Blood Moon Rising
Ninja Nights
Matriarchal Mayhem
Practical Witchery
Witch Clan, matriarch, fae, wizard
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I have read them all and look forward to getting the full length novels as my finances allow me. I really enjoyed the stories and the people. And the Craft information as well. Thank you very much for writing them. I am very glad a friend gave me the link to BookRix and I found your stories. I will also be going to soon.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I know that a lot of what was writen is real. I too have some small witch ability because of my ancestery, but have had little training. I would like to find out more on how to use the powers that I pocess. Is there a website or page that I might go to, to look into some training?

3 Kommentare

In the full length novels, I go into a bit more detail in describing how we train our own to understand and use their own talents, such as they are as they may be different for everyone. There are also a number of articles on the rudiments of spellcraft at our website as... mehr anzeigen


I just tried to get to your website, but I'm being told that it's a disallowed parent please.


It was up from 2005 until last year and the constant interfering of the Feds not liking it because I kept no written records on my members and users. Eventually they confiscated it and I quit paying out money to keep it up. I'm fairly easy to Friend and reach on Facebook though.

Wichtiger Beitrag

just finished reading your stories. must say im fascinated by all things mystical and magickal. you are very talented in the way you describe the locations and the events and people i couldnt stop reading will be looking up all the witch clan series next

Wichtiger Beitrag

I have read the entire series and thoroughly enjoyed every book, thanks so much for a very entertaining read x

Wichtiger Beitrag

You know from all the shows we watch on TV and Books we read on the occult I should already have been viewing witches and wizards in a different light, but haven't.

Your book however seeks to remedy that. I don't know what to say. Brilliant.

1 Kommentar

Thank you very much! This is much the family life of a real hereditary witch clan outside of "Hollywood". I changed a few names and livened up the storyline to make it more cohesive, but as we are and as we live, I have left alone. It's a "double take" for me as not only am I... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I love how you illustrated your craft WITH your craft in this story. You've got centuries of ignorance on the run with a good tale going. It's going to be a GREAT series!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you for participating in our short
story writing contest "Family Stories".

The Librarian

Wichtiger Beitrag

The writing is epic and the writer uses an elevated language of describing people and events in great detail.Lovely to read..

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