Red Salmon

Red Salmon
Helping her father in his recession-crippled, charter fishing business, Becky prayed that the dwindling salmon population would someday return...

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Glynis Rankin

It has taken me so long to get here, but I'm so glad I did. LOL!!!!
You, sir are getting better and better at this suspense. I love this story and the way you presented it. I was stun,just as Becky had been. Wow, well done sir.

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Review - I never thought that jealousy was one of my 'sins' to overcome. But I find my self being envious of your talent. You have a master's touch at telling stories. Just enough story, just the right amount of emotion, and perfect timing. Once again you entertained as well as stirring the little green eyed monster. Bravo and excellent job. Robynn

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Short, straight to the point and the ending was uplifting.
We are in hard times due to recession and fear of what climate change might do to certain industries, but I like that there is still hope. Your story embodies that very well. Once again, you've wowed me with your writing style.

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Because of the "cogs and gears." I really enjoyed this story! Well written and with enough suspense to keep us wondering right until the end!

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Gelöschter User

Not what I was expecting...I love when that happens. I do feel bad for Becky though; so much for the small blessing of doom.

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Saved to favorites. You really do have a smooth fluid to your writing. Also the cover and the story were a perfect match, Great work!

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Gelöschter User

Poor Becky, she has to stay doing that job with the ending you gave her. As usual, excellent writing, lovely story.

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for suspense. The anticipation of what 'it' is. Same with Winning isn't Everything. Well done!

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