Doctor Frosty

Doctor Frosty
A mother loses her only child to a devastating illness. How does she mend the frayed ends of her life and move on? Or can she? And what of her husband?

Beiträge und Kommentare
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Gelöschter User

Man, that brought a lump to my throat. Thank you.

3 Kommentare
J.C. Laird

There's a few others that I will be pulling off commercial sites, with the intent of putting them together in a short story collection in the future. They will be free on BookRix until then.

Thank you for your comments.

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Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

I just read Dr. Frosty and I thought it was great. Thanks for writing this story for anyone to read.

1 Kommentar
J.C. Laird

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Beautiful story ,John. I know it came straight from your wonderful and caring heart. You are a very talented writer

1 Kommentar
J.C. Laird

Well, "kitchenmagic", I just wanted to thank you for your kind comments. You are a beautiful and perceptive reader. Again, thank you (for everything).

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Gelöschter User

Beautiful story. Nicely written.

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Mia Tchoukour

Many children suffer but bringing a smile to a child and making them forget for a moment that they are sick, is a a blessing.

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Review - Beautifully written and executed. What a talented writer you are. So much expressed, so much said, in so few words. Tugged at the heart strings and kept me riveted to the end. Loved the way you wrapped it all up at the end. Leaving the reader to 'read' between the lines. Thank you for sharing this. Magnificent job. Robynn

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Gelöschter User

I love this! Where on earth did you get the idea? It's brilliant!

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I can see why this won a contest. It packs a lot of punch in a few pages.



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Carol Wills

I was in tears at the start and smiling through the floods by the end. What a beautiful story and so well written. I could see and feel the pain of the characters.

Take note people, this is a wonderful example of a ‘show not tell’ story.

Kudos John, consider my heartstrings well and truly pulled.

Carol x

Wichtiger Beitrag

of a trauma that happens to often. On page 8 when Eli wonders if his wife is ready to move on. What reason would he have thought that? Because she choose not to come. Both seem to be at a point when life goes on, despite the hurt that will never end. Minor word changes,or editing.

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