
An old man and a young woman, brought together by their separate journeys through life.

What were the odds that they would find love, happiness and a future together?

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Such a beautiful read! I love enchanting romances, we never know when or where love connects us!

2 Kommentare
J.C. Laird

I'm glad you enjoyed it! It was the first short story I ever wrote, and one of my favorites.

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Wichtiger Beitrag
Classically Nostalgic

That was a beautiful story, I've always liked these types of books. Tragic yet some how light all at the same time, Great job.

4 Kommentare
J.C. Laird

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it; it's been a while since somebody has sifted through my stories and read that one.

Classically Nostalgic

I must say, I'm usually not one for romances, but you've managed to make it subtle enough that it wasn't like I was choking on the sap.

J.C. Laird

LOL, I like romances but not big on "sap" myself. Try out "Never Too Late", you'll see what I mean.

Classically Nostalgic

That was quite literally the most beautiful story I ever read. I guess it was quite similar to this story though, a subtle romance. These books practically define nostalgia. I greatly appreciate you sharing that story with me, and you're a very good author. Fanfiction and anime... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

This was breathtaking. I never expected that and I'm not big on tragedies, but this was just too beautiful.

Well done!

Wichtiger Beitrag

WOW. This was definitely worth reading. A very unexpected ending. I was almost crying. So sad and heartbreaking, yet so beautiful at the same time. Amazingly well done. I look forward to reading more of your books.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I think it was corny, but there's nothing wrong with corny at times; acceptable only when the writing is good and the story is played out in a coherent manner. As this one was.

The only doubt I have is when you mentioned Alaska. I got it at that point, so the ending wasn't such a surprise. i think if you want to give a shock ending you've got to be more subtle with your clues.

n.b. Bear in mind I look for the twist because... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

What makes a perfect short story? Is it the vocabulary, the sentence structure, the excellent grammar? Not really, although these all help put together the "bones". What makes a perfect short story is one that has all the basic ingredients, together with the perfect plot - the twist ending - the ability to make the reader gasp - or smile - or cry.

Because this is a short story, I do not want to give anything away. All I will... mehr anzeigen

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