Getting The Sale

Confirming the Commitment to Buy Von:
Getting The Sale
This book shows you how to confirm the commitment to buy. What is typically called "closing" the sale. Learn how to transcend most people's approach to getting the sale.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "The Relationship Selling Series"
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scottallen vor ca. 14 Jahren bearbeitet

Hi Jim - welcome to BookRix. I'm a long-time fan of your work. We have a lot of mutual friends -- Bob Burg, Jill Konrath, and I'm sure quite a few others, if we sat down and compared notes.

I run social media for BookRix. I'm also a published author and speaker myself. I've created a new group for Business Books and taken the liberty of adding your books to the group. I know you're busy, but I'll hope you'll consider at least... mehr anzeigen

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jimcathcart vor ca. 14 Jahren bearbeitet

Hi Scott, I need to remove the duplicate image from Getting the Sale. It picked up the Win Through Relationships cover and added it to the front. Can you have someone eliminate that for me? Getting the Sale has its own cover which is now about page 3.

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