The Marked Sky

Dark Angel series Von:
The Marked Sky

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Dark Angels"
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The Marked Sky
Dark Angel series
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Okay, I've opened up your first (?) book of the series. It has possibilities. Fairly short, though:) I very much agree with gemstone on all counts. Based on what I've read...I think you can do this writing thing if you stick with it. Nice job!

2 Kommentare

Thank you. :) i wasn't very interested in this one so much that is why it is so short.


And I think it was the second book of the series. I got tired of the first.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Heyy, I like this book because of the storyline and also the characters :) I think this is better than the first one you wrote :) Also, the front cover is good and the name is catchy. It needs a bit of work with grammer, structure and I did see a few typeos, but other then that the storyline is great and you should carry on writing! :D

Wichtiger Beitrag

Heyy, I like this book because of the storyline and also the characters :) I think this is better than the first one you wrote :) Also, the front cover is good and the name is catchy. It needs a bit of work with grammer, structure and I did see a few typeos, but other then that the storyline is great and you should carry on writing! :D

Wichtiger Beitrag
Nina Kari

I like this one; the first one though is a bit difficult to read. There are a few mistakes in both but the structure in this one is better. It flows better. I really like this one. I hope you continue.

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