This Much is True

I know so little Von:
User: jetski
This Much is True
I know so little of what I should, I know so little that needs to be understood
But one thing I know and this much is true, God He hath made both me and you.
We struggle along life's busy throngs, we struggle along, with hope and a song
I know so little of what needs to be understood, I know so little of the things I should
But this much I know, yes this much is true, I'll make it through life, if I keep God in view

god, truth, knowledge
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
jetski vor ca. 13 Jahren bearbeitet

God bless. I'm glad you liked the poem. Thanks for saving it.

Wichtiger Beitrag
UniquePoet60 vor ca. 13 Jahren bearbeitet


You have written a very beautiful and touching poem. I read it through from beginning to end. Yes, God is real.

Great writing!

Wichtiger Beitrag
jetski vor ca. 13 Jahren bearbeitet

God bless you for your comments and in life. I'm glad you enjoyed the book or actually poem. Thanks for saving it to your favorites.

Wichtiger Beitrag
lazarus67 vor ca. 13 Jahren bearbeitet

Oh Wow, this is probably the best I've read yet. So true and so well penned. A keeper.
PS...just to add. So many claim to be religious...yet I can tell that you are truly sincere.

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