Lies To The Heart

User: Jess
Lies To The Heart
Ever been friend zoned by the girl you love? Have you ever told a little white lie? Has it ever back fired?

Jack has done all of the above. Jack is a sophomore in high school; his two best friends are Jane and Grayson. Jack is all about fun, Jane’s a nerd, and Grayson is like the glue that keeps everyone together. Jane might be a smart girl, but when it comes to love, she’s like an elephant at a grocery store. Clueless.

The day he decided to tell Jane how he felt about her, was the day everyone found out that he was ‘gay.’ How?

Well, instead of saying, ‘I love you.’ Or ‘I’m in love with you.’ He said, ‘I’m…. gay.’

To make his life even better, there's a killer on a killing spree. And Jane, being the book nerd that she is, jumps for the chance to solve a mystery. He has no choice but to help her.

*Please don’t take offense if you have a problem with the word ‘gay.’ I don’t even think that made any sense. Anywhale, just.. please, no hate?*

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