Keep It Safe

User: jesswygle
Keep It Safe
A freak accident leaves Parker Erickson confused and frightened. A strange gift sealed on a promise turns into more of an omen. Parker must find a way to get out alive and keep it safe.

"This is the first book I've ever completed and it was written a number of years ago. I can see how much I've grown as a writer as I revisit this piece." - J.W.

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✅ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?_ebook-jess-wygle-keep-it-safe

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Wow... I just finished the first chapter. Great read!! I am on the edge of my seat!! Can't wait to read more. Thans for sharing this Ms Wygle!!

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✅ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?jesswygle_1349464194.7505059242

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I'm not done reading this yet, but I will be soon. I love everything about this story so far, especially the blurb about the narrator's father being her God. It was brilliant.

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