30 year hero

live love life help hope this is the way to live Von:
30 year hero

we need a savior i am the last we need a savior since this happened 30 years ago we need a savior, we need one now. i cant find you at all i need to see you to find you






this is the book of peotry songs and short stories.


also some tips on how to deal with certain things .

30 years, romance, music
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Great book i read it and loved it actually :)

4 Kommentare

thx daze theres more to come with all diferent stories chained to the first chapter i will update this soon k

Gelöschter User

ok and i can't wait!


good tomarrow it will be updated then every friday it will be updated from 1200 to 800

Gelöschter User


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