Her Betrothed Prince (FULL)

User: twi.hon
Her Betrothed Prince (FULL)
A crazy whirlwind left her world broken.
A simple lie kept his world open.
When these worlds meet and collide, what will happen?
Destruction or Reconstruction?
A confusing train of dreams within dreams….
The bruises and burns,
Makes everyone concerned.
How will it end?
What will the next page twist and bend?

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Great book!
It was a good experience reading the book...

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Sorry for those who may have been waiting for a new book for so long. Good news is that I am back to writing and I may upload it to Bookrix. First I want to see how it picks up on another site, Wattpad.
If you want to see what's up, just go to wattpad.com and search JenniferBrunner8 and or Ready or Not.
It's not as depressing, just a light summer love kind of book. I hope you guys go check it out and give me feed back on it. I... mehr anzeigen

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Queen Tex; Ireland

that was probably the saddest book i have ever read! but it was still really sweet and i loved it :)

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Thank you. Some things were from personal experiences--not the abuse of course but my sister is sick and it really hit home for me. Sometimes I just have to get little things like that off my chest.

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omg i just cried my eyes out!! so sad:( but it was a good book

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Thank you, I tried not to be too Nicholas Sparks-ish but when I get to writing, I just let the words flow from my brain to fingertips and hope you guys enjoy it.

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