The Rush

The Rush
“She got stuck with Reed Kendall as her official tour-guide,” Kat insisted through a mouth full of orange chicken. My mother’s brows scrunched together.
“And that’s bad why…?” Kat rolled her eyes.
“Mom, the guy’s a total pothead. I’m surprised he even remembers what school he goes to. Memory and marijuana don’t exactly go hand in hand.”
“Kat, you’ve never even met the guy. How could you possibly know he does drugs.”
“Um, hello? He doesn’t exactly spend his time picking daisies.”
Honestly, I wanted to be around Reed as much as a vegan wanted to be in a deli. Something about his cool stare made me nervous.
Or rather it was the way he looked at me- like I was some prude Christian girl who thought she was too good for the world.

I don’t do drugs. I am drugs ~Salvador Dali

love, drugs, heart-ache, teenage
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THAT better not be the ending!

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And your other book<3
I just lurv ur books Jenn!

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