Fantatische Wesen

User: LadyJen
Fantatische Wesen

Poem Collection Fantastic Being


Paint with these colors of the raven


Watercolor, paint all this as I want.
How Like a scream went through,
when I looked at the clock this deep pain,
it was probably once again,
as so often in this year
my heart. Black
like the fields of this raven ,
in the dark night.


White as cold as this snow outside.
Red as the embers of blood of a woe,
with dark genes. Blue like a dance in the moonlight,
dark skies, all given over to him,
so that this moon again Kront up there.


Gray as these dark shadows made,
is this breeze from the night,
so late after eight o'clock. Shadows lie
like a veil over this place,
what is hidden there in them.


Purple like mist from a bonfire of this witch,
hidden outside deep in the forest. Colors,
Black of the raven, white of the snow,
red of blood, blue of moonlight,
orange of the sunset,


gray of shadow,
purple of mist, on this paper,
here before me, show you
what you should see. Look at this picture,
before you go through the desert
of ice and snow.


How do you like these colors
that all come together in this picture?
Where will this snowstorm in front of the house,
from the cold made by the night drove,
when will you rest me?

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