Blissful. Beautiful. Brilliant. Butter.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

What a lovely poem!! I agree with could picture the butter sizzing gently, just awaiting the drop of an egg or vegetable. Great imagination and what a way to use it.

2 Kommentare

And may I say I love your new avatar (at least it seems newer to me?). Gorgeous!

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Wichtiger Beitrag

Never have I seen butter being described so lovingly. Besides everything( art, writing, photography, music ) I love cooking. So this cute poem not only appealed to my heart, but also warmed my tummy.

1 Kommentar

Hey, thanks Laz!

So glad you enjoyed. The day I took the photo of butter melting on my stove I wasn't sure what I would do with it and then I decided a poem was in order :). I am definitely a foodie at heart. Food is love. Food unites!

Thanks again for reading.



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