Return to Camelot

After the Fall Von:
Return to Camelot
10 years after the fall of Camelot, Arthur returns as well as Guinevere, Merlin, Pellinore, Lancelot, Mordrid and Neume, New characters are intoduced and a ten year old secret is realied and the quest to rebuild Camelot is in jeopardy. Full of intrigue, screts, magic, battles, and much more. What is the secret that has been hidden for 10 years? What became of Arthur, Guinevere and Lancelot. Can old friendships be renewed, does the dark side of Camelot return to claim another vistum? All this and more will be answered in Return to Camelot

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lazarus67 vor ca. 14 Jahren bearbeitet

Hi Jeffrey, I just begun to read this story. I like what I've read so far.
Will give you a more detailed comment as soon as I'm done. I KNOW that it will be favorable.

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