A Time For Peace

A Time For Peace
A woman returns to visit with her father many years after he kicked her out because she was pregnant, unwed,and only seventeen.
She tries to find a way to forgive him.

pregnant, unwed, farm
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Well written a lovely story
shows its never to late to mend a hurting heart

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this was a very good book it made me think of how my mom reacted when she found out i was pregnant at 13 yrs old

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Your story engages the reader with your vivid images. It certainly is a story about love and forgiveness. I liked it.

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Beautiful, simple and very moving.

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A very beautiful story. Descriptions were wonderful. This was a heart warming story.

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...short and sweet tale of love and forgiveness.
Great job Jean..:)

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What a beautiful story! Nice job!

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Jean, thank you for a lovely story of forgiveness. Time proves once again that healing can take place in the blinking of an eye; and all the words waiting in our mouth fall away to a cleansing silence. I will choose this as a favorite. Elizabeth

1 Kommentar

Thank you Elizabeth. I haven't had time to read your stories or the others. I'll do it soon as the holidays are over.

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