MESSY Manager

Managing is messy, leadership is simple... but not easy! 11.75 Principles for Powerful Leadership Von:
MESSY Manager
MESSY Manager has exposed the secrets of the most powerful leadership principles in the world. This book is a step-by-step guide to changing your company or your department for good and forever. This book makes success so simple and predictable that it may be the most dangerous book every written if it ends up in the hands of the competition.

-Gerry Robert
Bestselling Author of The Millionaire Mindset

MESSY Manager demystifies why some companies and departments are growing rapidly while others are destined for a life of struggle. If you want to learn about the root cause of success in business and in life, read this book!

-Jeff McLeod
Executive Vice-President of Premyth Systems Inc.

Mike and Jean-Guy understand leadership like few do, and are able to break it down so anyone can understand and use its power to change their business forever. I highly recommend this book to anyone with the desire to grow their business, their department, or their people.

-Steven Howard
Author, Corporate Image Management

I followed the exact step-by-step process in MESSY Manager to raise my departments monthly revenue by 15%, my average ticket by 9.2% and my occupancy by 17%. Don’t wait another minute, get this book now!

-Kerri Holley
Author of Answers You’re Aching To Know & Spa Consultant

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