Touch of Cancer

User: blackleaf
Touch of Cancer
Touch of cancer is the inspiring story of how one woman has coped with the onset of a disease that many fear.

Jean Charity, originally from Derby in the United Kingdom but now residing in Spain covers the subject in her own inimitable style. While many would find little to find humourous in such a potentially, serious disease, Jean has succeeded in striking a happy balance between the many funny situations she found herself in and the more serious aspects of her treatment.

One in three people living in the United Kingdom will statistically, at some point in their lives, contract cancer and therefore it is a subject which should be of interest to one and all.

Cancer does not recognize age, colour creed or sex. It attacks indiscriminately and its onset can strike fear into the bravest hearts.

Marvel therefore at how the author has managed to turn a potentially maudlin and depressing subject into an easy read but nevertheless heart warming and inspiring.

cancer, women, spain
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( ︀^_^ ︀) ➜

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Absolutely loved this book! Truly inspiring. i wish you all the best Jean.

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( ︀^_^ ︀) ➜

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I have been down road but thankfully mine was cut away and I am now a survivor
I can relate to the observations in your story which was written extremely well
I wish you all the best for the future and keep smiling

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I love your book and i understand how u feel as my grandad suffered from cancer and we drove him crazy by getting in touch and being worried bout him. looking back i wish we hadn't. hope you survive from it unlike my grandad.

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my freinds mom has brest cancer ;(

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Wow. Warm, humourous, sad, emotional, spiritual and most of all real. So well written and i loved the illustrations they gave a lighter touch to what is so serious a story.

3 Kommentare

Thank you so very much for your kind comments - I'm so pleased you enjoyed reading the above, and if you are around cancer in any way, do hope that it may have helped you a little.

It meant a lot to read your feed-back. :-)

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John DE24

So moved reading your story. Just sorry my Mum (Edna) never had the opportunity to read it. At least I can be proud of you for both of us. J-P.

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