The Drought

A Short Story Von:
The Drought
A village has been waiting for rain for three years. Ever since someone warned them of the drought, they stocked up. When it cam, they were prepared, but they were not prepared for it to last so long.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

I like this very much. It is a nice inspiring story that’s takes you on the journey through human desire, need, and then the gratification of supply. A few formatting adjustments would make it easier to read.

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Wichtiger Beitrag

story - you captured the despair while leaving hope for God's mercy. This story could also be seen as an allegory in our time of need...p;]

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

This was making me nervous because I thought that the people would not get the water then they would all die.

Wichtiger Beitrag
J.C. Laird

but you still have a story there.

You need to break your long narrative up into several paragraphs. Not only will it make it easier for the reader, I think it will add even more dramatic effect to the story.

A nice effort.

Wichtiger Beitrag

You flatter me. Saying you like it best out of all the books you have read. Untrue, but still, very flattering. thanks.

Judy, yes... apparently, according to my fan club... I can write ANYTHING and it is never bad (not true, but okay...). more flattery. I think I may start forming those smile lines... lol.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Sweet! You do have a nice touch with the short story genre, you know. It's good to see you exploring the extent of your talents. =D

Wichtiger Beitrag

it was really good, i really liked it, it was my favorite of all the books i have read. thanx to jazz for the book

Wichtiger Beitrag

Like Lisa said....nice to read something a bit different from your usual dark style.
I liked this story because it shows not only the drought but I can encompass all of man's woes. And yet it also showed that after all there was always that hope.

Wichtiger Beitrag

yeah, my s button on my keyboard at home isn't working well... I need to repalce it soon I think... Thanks. I will see if I can fix that now.

Also, thank you for the kind comment. I should be putting 2 more up today. The two I am putting up are the first two I have ever written (short-story-wise) and I wrote them on monday and Tuesday of this week. LOL.

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