Bullied: DAVID PART 2

Bullied: DAVID PART 2
After much encouragement from my friends, I decided to go ahead and show exactly how cruel some bullies can be. And yes, this is all true. It all happened to me.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "BULLIED"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Bullied: SHUNNED
Bullied: DAVID
Bullied: DAVID PART 2
bullied, david, cruel, hate, freak
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

i'm so sorry that this had happened to u. i also have adhd but eventually i went to a charter school where there weren't many bullies and the teachers were nice. david is a cruel person and hopefully you won't have to go through that again.

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Again, I am astounded by your strength. The things David (and your father) did to you are unspeakable, horrid, and inhuman. But you made it through. You came out on the other side.

No matter how bleak, you persisted on, never willing to give up. I cannot get over how brave you were(are!).

You're something else, something special, something precious. Keep on writing, and never stop. Because you have a future. And if you trust... mehr anzeigen

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jazz.... this stuff makes me soooo MAD! i just wish i wuz there to protect you and beat him up 4 u! :( i'm sorry i can't be there....

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Many of us have been in situations where we were targets of bullies. I had my share...been small and meek. So now I can sympathize with those 'victims'. When I see something like that going on, I always step in to stop it. Mind you...it's not always a good idea to try to handle a situation by yourself. If needed call the authorities.
Sorry to hear all your woes Jazz.

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Writing about painful experiences in our life can be cathartic - helpful - a way to get rid of the pain that has built up inside us.

You paint a sad and compelling picture of your life, Jazz, and all who read it will empathize. Most people have suffered - perhaps to a greater or lesser degree than you - but I can vouch for the fact that teenage kids can be the cruelest. Reading your account of life at school with David,... mehr anzeigen

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Although its not just a story, but your life! I know its hard for most people to understand that others can be so cruel. Yet it happens every day, in all parts of the world too. So just know you are not alone in this horrible plight, but I am happy that you are not hiding it. Hopefully you will never have to encounter that bully again.

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several times. fun huh?

Thanks John. I appreciate your kind words.

Judy, how'd you find out? darn it... who told? hehe. (I have been helping some people.)

Chris, the funniest thing is... David's name reminds me of the story of David and Goliath... only I am David and he Goliath. get what I mean? Yeah, I hid my reactions sometimes, but it did no good. he would not stop.

thanks for commenting. It means more to me than you realize.

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J.C. Laird

I'm so sorry that you had to be exposed to such an idiot as David. Then again, the boy has some serious problems.

He may well have been jealous and envious of your religious faith, and was torturing you because of that.

Hopefully, you will consider the source when people act in this juvenile and hurtful way.

You are the one who'll prevail.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Part of me wants to go out and kick this David kid in the face. But the other part of me knows that people like that are often just as broken as their victims are. There are hotlines that you can call in case of suicidal thoughts and if you ever feel that you are physically threatened.
Keep writing, it'll help get all the bad memories out and make sense of them.

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