A Saddened Heart

a collection of poems Von:
A Saddened Heart
The heart can break from the simplest things... and the worst of things. Depending on how much you put your heart out there, you will most likely understand my pain in these poems. Please comment after reading.

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Anyways, I meant to say more. I thought your poems were beautifully written, even if you're hurting. Pain is a difficult thing to deal with. Many of us has gone through it, but we find a way to pull through, in time. I hope everything works out for you.

Anyways, Good Job!

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Review - You obviously have the feeling of pain down pat. Yet, without salt, we don't know what is sweet. Without cold, we don't appreciate the heat. Without sorrow, we can't understand the depth of joy. We must traverse the night to meet the dawn.

Your heart ache will be softened by joy and love, just don't know when. Beautiful, strong, strident poetry. Keep on writing your feelings down. It helps the healing. Good job. Robynn

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I love it.
It's sad you hurt so much but you turn pain into beautiful words, Jazz <3

~Edan <3

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how it works for me unfortunatly. I write the best poetry when I am hurting inside.... which is why I write so much poetry... that is considered good. Thank you for commenting.

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You have written such heartrending poems.When ever I am sad, and I write I try to think the opposite and write about the good and lovely things in life.

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But if you DON'T put your heart out there on the line, you live only half a life.
Felt your pain in all three poems...yes :(

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