The Spirit of the Flame

a poem Von:
The Spirit of the Flame
This is a poem I wrote about two days ago... and am quite happy with. TO THE BADDIES: i don't care what YOU think about it. I know I did a good job, and that is all that matters.

TO MY FRIENDS... I love you all and I hope you like the poem.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

You have a brave little heart that can withstand any kind of pressure and come out of troubles with ease. Keep writing!! Writing can show you the path of healing... feeling peaceful and comfortable at heart.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I hope that the dance never ends, no matter who trys to stop it! Life is difficult for all but the dance sure helps to make the rest of it worthwhile! :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

I imagined a fire, spreading wildly in a field fiercely resisting being quenched.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Its just for the people who don't like it Laz. No worries there. I care what you think because you are a good friend... I am speaking to the baddies in the blurb.

Not really Laz... this one was inspired by the thought of a flickering flame tranforming into the flickering shape of a woman... The Spirit of the Flame. Some people believe this was also a heart poem... one told from my feelings... so I guess in a way it could be...... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Well composed...what does it mean? Are you that flame...that fire?
And why do you not care what I think?

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