The beginning of the end...

a poem Von:
The beginning of the end...
Not much I can say about it. Some will notice this is different from most poems I have written. This poem is unique. It is meant to seem confused and desperate... which it is. That is how I felt when I wrote it, and that is how I feel now. You can read it if you want, but that is your choice. I have nothing more to say.

I'm sorry, change, scared, sad, lost friends
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and come back to learn of your "truth." Jasmine, the hardest thing in life is to admit when you are wrong and then to "fix" it...

I tell this to my children in the hospital all the time, no matter if they are here for a small hurt or the big "C" ...

I Define bravery as the following:

"To face what you fear, and to do what you must and what is right, despite your fear and pain...."

You did that by 1. private apologies
2. public... mehr anzeigen

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Thank God, you have just acheived another milestone in your life by asking for help, and accepting that our love for you.
Maybe not tomorrow, or next week but I have a feeling that you have just taken a huge step towards feeling better about yourself.
Post your poetry in the teens group if you wish, or send me a message anytime I will always find time to reply.

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We are your extended family. Families forgive and forget. Thank you for writing this poem.

I want you to grow into a level headed young lady with the memory of this mistake as one that had given you a big life lesson. Maybe better it happened now than later, so that you don't have to spend more years thinking people don't care about you. They do. Not because they think you are ill, not because you have had a hard life, but... mehr anzeigen

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I agree with what everyone has said. You write so beautiful pour all that love or hate into writings we will allways read them and we will always love you
hugs and kisses

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The beginning of this work had me in tears of saddness but ended in tears of joy! Bravo!!!!! :)

1 Kommentar

Your words help to keep me here. I was afriad of how people would react... but I have yet to get a negative message. Those that hate me for it just unfriended me without a word... Anyways... Enough complianing. Time to get back to work on my poetry and books. That is my job... mehr anzeigen

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If any of us was perfect, had lived a perfect life without mess-ups of any kind, it would be one thing. But none of us is perfect, because we're all as human as...well, each other. I believe that if we choose to learn from our errors, regardless of how big or small they may be, we become better individuals. Our hearts grow and we acquire a stronger sense of right. So keep away from the word "final" and look forward, upward,... mehr anzeigen

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This NOT the beginning of the end! It is the beginning of a new beginning. You have already mostly paid the confessed by typing this tough poem. You always end your messages to us by telling us you love don't stop...keep proving it.
Love you...

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I read it and think you have gotten taller, if not than you have grown in character.We all make mistakes and hopefully we learn from them.

Do the best you can for today that is all we can do, the past is behind us, and we have no power to change it.

Instead of looking in the mirror and only finding fault say positive and loving things about yourself, no need to say them out loud if you find it hard to do.True and lasting... mehr anzeigen

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Thank you all for your kind comments. This was one of the hardest things I have written... It was difficult, but I own up to my mistake, and now I have to sit and admit there is a price that needs to be paid.

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