"Hope Left"

"Hope Left"
Well, I was told that if I put this up it would be showered with hearts... I doubt that, but thats my opinion... Are you gonna prove him right or wrong? no pressure. lol.

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Is a single drop a shower?
Or one stone, a mountain?

One heart is all I have, but such as it is I'll throw it on the pile.

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On the surface the poem seems simple enough. But if we stop and scratch deeper, it can be as deep as the ocean.

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The cover is so appropriate, Jazz:)
The title, it hit me, can be read two ways...Hope has left, and there is hope left:)

Consider deleting that hypen in the second stanza between God and send? Or is that literary license??? :)

Excellent moving poem.

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Gelöschter User

An AMAZING poem! It touched my heart. You are truely a talented poet.

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I am quite fond of smily faces. Thay are fun. Give me those and I may not need any hearts.. (okay maybe a few would be nice... lol)

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(You remind me very much of my best friend when I was in High School. She was a most wonderful poet, sadly she has stopped writing.)

This one is just full of imagery and emotion, the message is inspiring as well.

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You did it, you made me cry. Darn it, I hate it when that happens! LOL

I think it was the juxtapose of the hopelessness of the burning city, then this little girl with the teddy bear just tore at my heart.

Awesome, visual and tear jerking. Thank you, I needed a good cry. Keep writing poetry, I say honestly, you are very good. Robynn

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I actually only started poetry last year believe it or not. I only started after I joined a poetry forums website and wrote one poem to put up... I got an almost immediate response. I couldn't believe people actually liked my poetry. Now I can harly believe there was a time when I wasn't writing poetry.

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So vivid and heartfelt! Keep writing and I'll certainly keep reading them! :)

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Jasmine, your poem was touching and meaningful. I am so glad you write poetry...I started when I was about fourteen or fifteen, and I found it was a wonderful way to express my emotions, sadness, hopes and dreams. You are very talented indeed, and I am looking forward to reading all of your work. Keep on writing...you are excellent.

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