Of War & the Human Condition

An Anthology Von:
User: Jasmine
Of War & the Human Condition

This anthology brings before you impressions of war, its impact, lasting loss, and pain from poets around the world. It is only befitting that we talk about it before it is too late as our world dwindles into nothing. Asking questions about ethics, responsibility, and action, this collection seeks to touch a chord with those who watch the world with horror in these tensions of war. Despite our history, we are still not over with our greed. We still do not learn what it is to live and love in peace. The editors of this collection welcome you, dear reader, to get a glimpse of these worlds. We hope this work will touch your souls and make you one with them and push you to contribute to the eradication of war in your ways.

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War, refugee, humanity, loss, suffering
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