The Secret

Sealed with a Kiss Von:
The Secret
A journey to the high desert of New Mexico, Jen steps off the edge of reality to a lightning event that changes her life forever. A lightening filled night–body snatchers – a cowboy hero – a kiss for a lifetime.

Other science fiction stories by author Janice Abel: E-book singles, Time Rides the Tide, Beam Down Scotty, The Metallic Bird, Silver Stars on the Sea, Mirage. Get all 6 plus 2, The Porch, and The Green Phone in collection entitled, Dream Shifters.

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Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

The introduction made this so much more delightful to read. I honestly couldn't stop turning the pages. And your details were amazing, it was so much fun imagining the setting and the cabin's atmosphere. As for that cowboy changing by life...I'm not sure, I will have to look into that :D This was a great read.

Wichtiger Beitrag
J.C. Laird

Refreshingly well written, clean and edited thoroughly. And needless to say, very imaginative.

I've lived in New Mexico for the last 12 years and have seen many of her treasures. I've been as close as Quemado, but never to the Lightning Field, although I've read about it.

I'm going to have to put it on my to-do list.

ss-The Camera

Wichtiger Beitrag

I have to admit, I read it twice. I had to.
It was so different from other pieces and it threw me for a loop.
Twilight Zone with a rope. Great writing./.joeparente

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to all for your support of my work anytime. I note a special thanks to those who gave me a vote I do not know, as well as to those who wrote K2C comments that do not appear here. Have a great summer. Janice

Wichtiger Beitrag
Glynis Rankin

This was a wonderful story, to me it has everything that makes a good story. fright, love, adventure, suspense, intrige.,,,,I simply loved this short story and no I didn't have a mark behind my ear. Congratulation on winning Bookrix Author of the year, too

Wichtiger Beitrag

Okay, with the help of a couple of mirrors, I've confirmed an absence of tattoos behind my ears - whew! No bodysnatcher markings here! Still, an experience lingers after my reading...This story was a nicely spun tale that meshed twilight zone-ish perceptions with bloodied bandana reality. And the ending gave it that eerie twist that leaves a person wondering - just enough. (I wonder how many of today's power-weilding... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

And now that my vote's been nullified, I'll just have to send over a heart to replace it.

A fine story, Ma'am, a dern purty tellin'of it too.

Wichtiger Beitrag

A fascinating story with elements of mystery, horror, and humor. With some fine-tuning, it might be one to consider entering in the annual Tony Hillerman competition. Good luck in this contest.

Wichtiger Beitrag

You are an artist. You paint such a vivid picture with your words, it makes me want to be there in person.

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